Clearing the attic whilst moving house I discovered a small Nikon DSLR hiding in a box. I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures but never considered a camera before. After discovering this camera in the attic, I decided to have a go with it, little did I know this was the beginnings of something. After learning the basics I set about capturing images. Growing up on a farm I spent many cold nights under the stars tending to livestock, and always found my self staring up at the twinkling stars in awe, my curiosity about the Camera and the stars grew until one night I decided to capture the stars with the camera, safe to say my first attempt was a lot of dark images with the occasional blurry shape. Needless to say my interest in Astro photography had started. I set about learning how to capture the stars, and from that moment on I have not looked back. Astro photography is not only my hobby and interest, it It is my escape and absolutely love spending time under the stars. Capturing images of distant galaxies and constellations within our night sky just never seems to fail to amaze me. Every time the camera screen lights up with the image of the stars on it that I have just captured it is a moment that fills me with joy.