Hi, I’m Laura.
I started getting into photography during the first lockdown after accidentally discovering that my iPhone took decent pictures of flowers. My photography started out at Bluebell Woods where I was taking my daily walks and it soon became my favourite place.
After about two years for my birthday I got a bridge camera, which gave me the freedom to explore more with photography and made me realise that I really did enjoy photography. After about six months I decided I needed to upgrade and get a DSLR to continue learning and discovering more about photography.
In the beginning of 2023 I discovered the club on a trip to Tesco after seeing the amazing photographs on display and I have learnt so much just by being at the club and seeing other people’s work.
I love being in nature, at the beach, animals, watching sunsets, being under the stars and the moon. I also really love the creatvity you can have with long exposure photography and the artistic feel it can give your photos.